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  • 1/3 cup ripe cantaloupe melon flesh some seeds are fine
  • 1/3 cup granulated sugar
  • 1 teaspoon honey


  • Blend melon and honey in a food processor or blender until just slightly broken down—fifteen to thirty seconds.
  • Empty into a bowl (or a mortar, if you have a mortar and pestland use a spoon (or pestlto mix in sugar. You can add more or less sugar, depending on how dense you want it.
  • Apply a few tablespoons to your skin and rub in outward/upward circles across your skin. Repeat at least twice. The more you scrub, the cleaner your skin will feel after. Rinse very thoroughly once you’re done, as this stuff is super sticky.
  • If you have extra, keep in the fridge for a second application, or slather it on someone close to your heart.