Oh hai. My loves over on Snapchat and Instagram have been after me about a superfood guide for a while now, and it’s finally time. Time to unveil the proprietary K&C Superfood Guide explained in Beyoncé gifs, that is. There are many more superfoods out there (hundreds! millions! who even gets to decide what makes a superfood?! are vegan doughnuts a superfood? ASK BEYONCÉ!)—these are just the ones that I have in my fridge most often.
Each superfood above is paired with its musical Beyoncé spirit animal. You can play the songs while you eat said superfood, you can learn the dance moves and boogie with said superfood, or you can straight up summon the spirit of Beyoncé whilst invoking the inherent powers of said superfood.Like any good adaptogenic superfood, Beyoncé is there to cure whatever ails you. So without further ado:
WHAT IT DOES: Spirulina is pure, sustained energy. It’s a complete protein comprised largely of amino acids and a blue-green algae supplying mega-doses of green. Its rich pigment also means it’s super high in iron.
HOW I LIKE IT: Nota bene: It’s got a strong flavor that is best paired with something even stronger. See: The Superfood Porn Smoothie!
YONCÉ QUOTIENT: Want a fast source of green power that’ll fuel you for a day of work (or Rocket-ing, Beyoncé and Jay-Z style)? Spirulina is your bff.
WHAT IT DOES: What could be sexier than pollen? Bee pollen is such a sensual product that it’s sometimes called ambrosia. Like spirulina, it’s an incredible source of protein (up to 60% depending on the bees from which it’s gathered), and is said to have a wide range of benefits, from increasing endurance to easing allergies.
HOW I LIKE IT: But beyond all that, I find bee pollen to be irrepressibly fun and tasty—like nature’s equivalent of sprinkles. Get some here, on top of Green Ice Cream (packed with spirulina!). Also delish on yogurt, oatmeal, chia, and any other sweet treats.
YONCÉ QUOTIENT: Almost as much fun as being at a roller rink with Beyoncé and Solange, but not quite.
WHAT IT DOES: Ginger is bae. Like seriously bae in the truest sense of the term (Before Anything Else). It’s a root that serves as a digestion regulator, nausea and inflammation reducer, and an all around bad-ass immunity booster and energizer. Want to feel like you can take over the world? Look no further than this knobby little golden root.
HOW I LIKE IT: Ginger’s intoxicating flavor makes it a treasure for all sorts of culinary delights. I particularly love it to stimulate my digestion and my noggin in the morning—it’s easy to throw in the Vitamix for a green juice, or for this heavenly cantaloupe smoothie.
YONCÉ QUOTIENT: Who run the world? GIRLS! (With ginger in their juice.)
WHAT IT DOES: Nutritional yeast is a yeast cultured off of molasses, bearing no relation at all to the yeast used to leaven bread. Many are wary of these golden flakes (often called “nooch” by people I suspect are far cooler than I), but I love it. I grew up eating it on brown rice with olive oil and Braggs liquid aminos, and to this day few foods retain as much of a comfort quotient.
Nooch is prized amongst vegans and vegetarians for its high sources of vitamin B-12 and niacin. These are essential compounds that provide us with energy and properly regulate your nervous system and cell growth. It has a nutty, parmesan-like flavor, but don’t get it twisted: It’s not parm. It’s its own entity. There’s nothing I hate more than people trying to make weird foods like “normal” foods. Just let ‘em be weird.
HOW I LIKE IT: I love nooch on popcorn, atop avocado toast, and on all kinds of grains. It’s also excellent in soups, like this Creamy Zucchini & Crispy Sage wonder.
YONCÉ QUOTIENT: Nooch is a survivor for so many reasons, but most importantly, it’ll give you the stamina you need to face whatever physical or psychospiritual foes may stand in your way.
WHAT IT DOES: Chlorophyll is a blood oxygenator and purifier, helping to replenish the blood stream by feeding red blood cells. It’s also known to eliminate toxins and free radicals, but I’m no scientist and cannot assert the veracity of this statement as well as perhaps Beyoncé could.
HOW I LIKE IT: While chlorophyll is totally bomb to drink in your morning lemon water, it can also be used for nifty things, like adding a green hue to these Jasmine & Matcha Macaron Ice Cream Sandwiches.
YONCÉ QUOTIENT: Why 7/11? Because of the KALE sweatshirt, duh! Chlorophyll is literally what makes plants green—it looks almost black because it’s so rich with green pigment. Aren’t you glad you’re about to get all leafy green on the inside, too? Beyoncé is.
WHAT IT DOES: Hemp seeds are done with effing around—they’re here to deliver serious protein and essential fatty acids, and they know how to get the job done. They make the fastest dairy-free milk imaginable (no soaking required!), and are so nutrient dense you could basically live off them.
HOW I LIKE IT: Hemp seeds are sublime in smoothies, mixed into veggie and grain bowls, and on fancy toasts (avocado + hemp + nooch + smoke salt drool). See hemp doing its thing in the Amaranth Rose Breakfast Glow Bowl I made for my How You Glow ladies.
YONCÉ QUOTIENT: When you’re ready to stop being a little girl who doesn’t know what she wants, call out for some hemp seeds—Beyoncé’s already got ‘em in her fridge, natch.
WHAT IT DOES: Cacao nibs are chocolate beans in their purest, sexiest, most bittersweet form. Need I say more? Ok, how about this: Raw chocolate is a supreme source of dopamine, the biochemical that courses through our brains when we feel love. Even more? Cacao also acts as an antioxidant, shown to be more potent than green and black teas, red wine, and cocoa. Scientists have also found that cacao reduces arterial plaques, lowering negative cholesterol and supporting heart health.
HOW I LIKE IT: Raw chocolate will also give you a nice little caffeine buzz, so you can be drunk in love all night long, y’heard? Toss those nibs in your smoothies, on your yogurt, and atop your ice cream cone. Or maybe just make this Vegan Chocolate Mango Coconut Cream Pie.
YONCÉ QUOTIENT: Bey says yes, please. We be all night.
WHAT IT DOES: Turmeric is an intense purifier and anti-inflammatory, and it is not to be messed with. This sh*t is flawless. Or rather the healing compound it contains—curcumin—is.
Feeling a little toxic, a little too drunk in love, or like you’ve been running the world a little too hard? Curcumin to the rescue. Its powers are so universally recognized that it’s often recommended by both western and eastern physicians for its ability to reduce inflammation in joints and tissues, and even aid in fighting cancer.
HOW I LIKE IT: Fresh turmeric root is amazing in juices, tonics, and nut milks as well as savory curries and lentil dahls. Try this brilliant golden root in the Citrus Turmeric Rever Upper and raise one up for Bey.
YONCÉ QUOTIENT: ***FLAWLESS. You woke up like this (or at least your turmeric tonic will make you feel like you did).
Did I leave out any superfoods you’re dying to know about? Let me know in the comments. Beyoncé loves you!!!