Can you feel it?
That discomfort, that being stretched beyond your skin, that longing for what was, that not knowing, that anxiety, that spinning out and shutting in, that itchiness, that boredom, that need for more food, more sanitizer, more toilet paper, more IGTV, more more more, that limit to how much news you can take, that keening of “who now, what next”, that pull towards empathy, that compassion you never understood before it looked like every social structure you relied upon collapsing, that empty shelf after empty shelf, that stripping down of society to county, city, neighborhood, community taking care of community, that bare bones beauty of people left with no choice but each other, that recognition that all we have in the end is this, that government not showing up until too late, that needing to be more Katniss and less Pollyanna, that YouTube video of that lady who could be you, could easily be you, but has it, that knowing, suddenly, without a shadow of a doubt, that we are inextricably connected.
That unbearable becoming, someone you do not yet know. That fear that becomes breath. Can you feel it?
We are becoming.