August 21, 2020

I was born on this land, where fire now burns. And for the last decade of my life, I lived in California, both north and south, in cities and in urban-wildlife interfaces where the toll of human existence—as defined by our culture of hyper-capitalism and overconsumption, disconnected from indigenous practices that respect and honor the earth as Mother—made it clear we were in grave danger.

I cannot say I am proud of the decision I made last December, to move away from California, a decision made in part because I spent weeks each year evacuated from my home due to wildfires, because of months spent afraid to breathe the air outside, waking up to “Unhealthy Air Quality” notifications, because I wanted to live closer to the earth but didn’t feel safe doing so in the state I called home. I had the tremendous privilege, unimaginable to most, to return to another home in Hawaiʻi, the state where I grew up, a state where respect for the land is instilled deeply in the culture and the people, where the battle for land rights is fought daily, where native Hawaiians must lay their bodies on the earth to protect it from degradation due to unceasing and unnecessary development.

The fight to protect our Mother is everywhere, in every state, seen or unseen. And when the multiple crises of climate change, late stage capitalism, immigration and imperialism, the prison industrial complex, a failing economy, overconsumption, and, of course, a global pandemic all converge on the body of the earth that sustains us, this is what it looks like. Fire and destruction everywhere. Exploitation of earth. Exploitation of bodies.

We must pledge to do better. For each other. For the earth. If there are to be future generations. Below, a collection of thoughts on this crisis, and meaningful ways we can support California right now. Please share your suggestions and experiences below. I love you. I’m sorry. I ask the earth to forgive me as I find new ways.

Organizations mentioned below, where you can donate or support:

California Fire Foundation

California Community Foundation Wildfire Relief Fund


American Red Cross

GoFundMe to Protect Farm Field Workers

Local organizations like Mask Oakland


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💔 California keeps relying on Black, Brown, Indigenous bodies to bail us out of environmental devastation as our communities die first from them. From using prison slave labor through our incarcerated loved ones who fuel CA’s prison system To our im/migrant families in the fields who fuel us with their farm labor To the Indigenous tribes and original stewards of this land that is burning because this stolen settler state has refused them their sovereignty To the fact that Black, Brown, Indigenous people have the highest COVID rates in the country, but are still expected to keep everyone alive at the expense of our own health: This is what happens when profit keeps being prioritized over the people. Everything burns. Especially our communities who this state/country could not survive without. #CalFire #CAFires [photo 1: @noahberger3884 via twitter / photo 8: via @brownissues]

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