On the scale of hardcore cleansing to total indulging that tends to happen in the New Year New You frenzy, I fall squarely in the middle. (This is, after all, Kale & Caramel.) The middle path was not just a philosophy advocated by the holy Buddha, but also the way that I find most conducive to living and thriving most fully.
There are days when I eat little, and days when I want french fries. And green juice. And maybe some quinoa. Just ‘cause. I always, always, always listen to my body. Except when it tells me I need to buy 40 bags of peanut butter M&Ms while driving by a 7-11; then it’s just talking GENIUS crazy.
But of course, there are those days—nay, weeks—when a good cleanse feels imperative (did I just say nay?). Maybe your digestive system feels slow, or you’ve eaten way too much rich food and you feel bloated and a little groggy, or you’re noticing more fatigue than usual. This hot morning tonic is the perfect cure for what ails you.
Freshly squeezed lemon juice, maple syrup, cayenne pepper, and hot water come together to ease digestion, jumpstart circulation, and support toxin removal. Lemon juice boosts the immune system and supports digestive function, while cayenne heats the body and stimulates your metabolism.
Maple syrup actually has high levels of minerals like manganese and zinc; manganese helps the body’s enzymes break down free radicals and zinc supports heart health, reproductive functioning, and the immune system.
Taken first thing in the morning, this little bevvy is gonna have you raring to go.
- 12 ounces hot water
- 1/4-1/2 fresh lemon, depending on size
- 1 tablespoon pure maple syrup
- 1/8-1/3 teaspoon cayenne pepper, depending on desired spiciness
- Pour hot water into a large mug, and squeeze fresh lemon juice into water. Add maple syrup and cayenne pepper, and stir to combine. Taste and adjust acid, sweet, and spice accordingly.