We’re living through a historic moment right now—collectively enthralled by the Senate judicial committee hearing of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford’s accusations of sexual assault by Supreme Court justice nominee Brett Kavanaugh. Goodness, I got tired just writing that sentence. Concurrently, I’m working on a very special project—the first season of What’s Your Story? podcast: Women, Politics, Power—which will contribute more fully to the conversation around personal and civic forms of activism, particularly as located in the bodies and minds of women. More on that soon (listen now!), but for now, I want to talk about how we are staying sane.
Yesterday, on Instagram, I wrote about the sociopolitical importance of believing women—and of no longer accepting women’s bodies, women’s trauma, and women’s suffering as a necessary martyrdom by which their oppressors will learn the lessons they need to learn. We’ve been here so many times before. Not just in 2016. Not just in 1991. Not just in almost every religious text ever written. We’ve been here enough to know that the martyrdom of any oppressed party—women, people of color, queer folks, and so many others—in order for their oppressor to have what Senator Blumenthal (D-CT) called a “teaching moment”—is not a culturally functional option.
I applaud the solidarity and support of so many Democratic senators in the room yesterday, and yet. And yet. Here we are today, and it’s almost as though nothing has changed. There is still so much work to be done.
And before, and during, and after the work, we must find ways to nourish ourselves.
In the spirit of being wrung dry by the resistance, by politics, by staring at a room deafening in its whiteness and its maleness, I am sharing with you the meal I prepare for myself when I have nothing left to give. This is pure comfort food for me: easy, infinitely customizable, both nutritionally dense and a little bit indulgent. I wish I could prepare a trough of it for Dr. Blasey Ford—and all survivors (all women)—right now.
What’s required:
- That you have some inclination or appreciation of Mexican flavors in a healthyish Cali-Tex-Mex form.
- That you have a can of black beans. Or pinto beans. Or any kind of bean, really. God, I love beans. (Doesn’t need to be a can. Maybe you soaked and sprouted and boiled your own beans. Bless you.)
- That you have some salsa or hot sauce.
- That you have some kind of cheese. I like goat cheese here.
- That you have some veggies: some greens, and some herbs (cilantro, preferably), and some cabbage, or carrots, or something crunchy.
The rest is optional. (Though honestly all of it is—maybe your ideal resistance self-care meal is actually a plate full of nothingness. That works, too.) But in the case that you opt for the food-centric version, I also recommend avocado and chips. Make this your own.
The hardest thing you’ll do here is sauté the beans in olive oil, garlic, and cumin, and slice up the cabbage or other crunchy veg for your cilantro slaw. It comes together in under ten minutes. Use those precious moments to focus your breath on the sensory experience in the moment.
What does your body feel like, right now?
How is your breath moving in and out of your body?
What parts of your body feel tense, and what parts relaxed?
What do you smell?
What textures do you feel?
Taste as you go. What flavors are present?
Experience the animal qualities of your body as anchors to the present moment. Remember the power of fully occupying your body, your self. Remember your power. Remember what you believe in. Refuel.
And then go out there and slay. And listen to some of the groundbreaking women in politics today on What’s Your Story? Women, Politics, Power.

- 3 cups shredded or thinly sliced cabbage
- 1/4 cup fresh lime juice
- 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar
- 1/2 teaspoon sea salt
- 1/4 cup chopped fresh cilantro
- 1 tablespoon olive oil
- 1 large clove garlic
- 1 teaspoon ground cumin
- 1 15 oz. can black beans, mostly drained
- 1/4 teaspoon sea salt, plus more to taste
- 1 1/2 cups finely chopped kale or other fresh greens of choice
- salsa of choice, to taste
- 1 ripe avocado, sliced
- 1/3 cup crumbled goat cheese or other cheese of choice
- your favorite tortilla chips
- In a medium bowl, mix all slaw ingredients, tossing to coat evenly. Let sit while you make the beans.
- In a medium frying pan over medium heat, sauté olive oil, garlic, and ground cumin until fragrant. Once fragrant, add the black beans and sea salt. Stir to integrate ingredients, and let heat to a simmer. Reduce heat, and stir occasionally as the flavors meld for an additional five minutes. Then remove from heat.
- In desired serving vessel, add a large handful of chopped greens, a good plop of black beans, salsa(s) of choice, avocado, goat cheese, and tortilla chips. Dig in and refuel!